
For Updated and current Photos visit our Facebook Site: Click Here for Facebook

Port Jervis NY SoapBox Derby Event - June 2014

Port Jervis NY SoapBox Derby Event - June 2014

Hudson Valley Area Labor Federation Dinner - June 2014

Hudson Valley Area Labor Federation Dinner - June 2014

Warwick Democratic Committee Annual Lunch - June 1, 2014

Warwick Democratic Committee Annual Lunch - June 1, 2014

  • Warwick Democratic Committee - Meet and Greet at the Tuscan Cafe - 2014
Port Jervis NY - Memorial Day Honoring Our Veterans - May 2014

Port Jervis NY - Memorial Day Honoring Our Veterans - May 2014

  • Port Jervis NY SoapBox Derby Event - June 2014
Monroe NY - Memorial Day Honoring Our Veterans - May 2014

Monroe NY - Memorial Day Honoring Our Veterans - May 2014

  • Hudson Valley Area Labor Federation Dinner - June 2014
Orange County Democratic Committee's Annual Dinner - May 2014

Orange County Democratic Committee's Annual Dinner - May 2014

  • Warwick Democratic Committee Annual Lunch - June 1, 2014
Taste of the Town in Warwick NY - May 2014

Taste of the Town in Warwick NY - May 2014

  • Port Jervis NY - Memorial Day Honoring Our Veterans - May 2014
Celebrating Cinco De Mayo - May 2014

Celebrating Cinco De Mayo - May 2014

  • Taste of the Town in Warwick NY - May 2014
OCDW Tribute to Education Gala - April 2014

Orange County Democratic Women - Tribute to Education Gala - April 2014

  • Celebrating Cinco De Mayo - May 2014
Sugar Loaf, NY Sunday Socials - April 2014

Event to Support HRHCare Alamo Farm Worker Community Center

  • Monroe NY - Memorial Day Honoring Our Veterans - May 2014
Community Connection & Business EXPO Monroe-Woodbury High School - April 2014

Community Connection & Business EXPO Monroe-Woodbury High School - April 2014

  • Sugar Loaf, NY Sunday Socials - April 2014
Port Jervis Democratic Spring Picnic - 2014

Port Jervis Democratic Spring Picnic - 2014

Warwick Democratic Committee - Meet and Greet at the Tuscan Cafe - 2014

Warwick Democratic Committee - Meet and Greet at the Tuscan Cafe - 2014

Krystal Serrano's Campaign Fundraiser - 2014

Krystal Serrano's Campaign Fundraiser - 2014

  • Krystal Serrano's Campaign Fundraiser - 2014
New York State Black - Puerto Rican - Hispanic and Asian Caucus - 2014

New York State Black - Puerto Rican - Hispanic and Asian Caucus - 2014

  • Port Jervis Democratic Spring Picnic - 2014
Orange County New York Democratic Dinner at Goshen NY - 2014

Orange County Democratic Committee Monthly Meeting

  • OCDW Tribute to Education Gala - April 2014
Around the Community with Krystal

Around the Community with Krystal